This year's conference will once again bring together leading keynote speakers and panel sessions covering the key issues affecting the building society sector. This page will be updated on a regular basis, so please check back for the latest updates and information.


All conference sessions to be held at ICC Birmingham unless otherwise stated.

10:00 - 14:00

Registration and exhibition opens
(Foyer and Hall 3)

11:00 - 13:00

Morning conference sessions
Details to be annouced shortly

11:00 - 13:00

CEO's Forum
(Building Society and Credit Union CEO's only)

12:30 - 13:45

Lunch in the exhibition hall (Hall 3)

13:10 - 13:50

Presentations from leading suppliers
Held in the Seminar Theatre in Hall 3

13:00 - 13:15

BSA Annual General Meeting 2025
(BSA Building Society and Credit Union members only)

14:00 - 14:10

Chair's Welcome
Rob Pheasey, Building Societies Association Chair 2023-2025 & Chief Executive, Marsden Building Society (Hall 1)

14:10 - 15:20

Keynote presentations

Rain Newton-Smith, Chief Executive, CBI
Robin Fieth, Chief Executive Officer, Building Societies Association
Followed by Q&A
(Hall 1)

15:20 - 15:50

Exhibition and refreshments (Hall 3)

15:25 - 15:45

Presentation from leading suppliers
Held in the Seminar Theatre in Hall 3

15:50 - 16:50


1. Later life - ageing and vulnerable population

3. Details to follow

4. Details to follow

4. Exhibition open

16:50 - 17:00

Room change

17:00 - 17:40

Keynote presentation
Steven Van Belleghem, Customer Experience Enthusiast and Global Keynote Speaker
Followed by Q&A
(Hall 1)

17:40 - 17:45

Closing comments
Rob Pheasey, Building Societies Association Chair 2023-2025 & Chief Executive, Marsden Building Society
(Hall 1)

17:45 - 20:00

Welcome Party
Held in the exhibition hall, Hall 1 

17:50 - 17:55

Short BSA Council Meeting
(BSA Council Members only)


All conference sessions to be held at ICC Birmingham unless otherwise stated. 

07:45 - 09:15

Conference Breakfast
Paul Johnson CBE, Director, Institute of Fiscal Studies
(by invitation only)

08:30 - 09:30

Registration and exhibition opens
(Foyer and Hall 3) 

09:30 - 09:40

Chair's Welcome
Julie-Ann Haines, Building Societies Association Chair 2025 - 2027 & Chief Executive, Principality Building Society (Hall 1)

09:40 - 10:30

Keynote presentation
Shawn Kanungu, Innovation Strategist and Best-Selling Author
Followed by Q&A
(Hall 1)

10:30 - 11:10

Exhibition and refreshments (Hall 3)

10:40 - 11:00

Presentation from leading suppliers
Held in the Seminar Theatre in Hall 3

11:10 - 12:15


2. Climate Risk (CGFI)

4. Details to follow

5. Exhibition open

12:15 - 13:20

Lunch in the exhibition hall (Hall 3)

12:15 - 13:20

NED's Lunch
(Building Society and Credit Union NED’s only) 

12:25 - 13:15

Presentation from leading suppliers
Held in the Seminar Theatre in Hall 3

13:20 - 16:30

Global Cooperative Banking Forum
This year the BSA welcomes the Global Cooperative Banking Forum as part of the agenda. Full details of the programme are listed below:

13:20 - 13:25


13:25 - 13:35


Nina Schindler, Cheif Executive, European Association of Co-ooperative Banks
Robin Fieth, Chief Executive, Building Societies Association

13:35 - 14:05

Keynote: Economic Secretary to the Treasury
Emma Reynolds MP, Economic Secretary, HM Treasury

Chaired by: The Baroness Morgan of Cotes

14:05 - 14:20

Keynote presentation:
Restabilising Co-operative Banking in the UK
Debbie Crosbie, Chief Executive, Nationwide Building Society

14:20 - 15:05

Panel: Co-operative and mutual banking: Perspectives for expansion

15:05 - 15:35

Exhibition and refreshments (Hall 3)

15:10 - 15:30

Presentation from leading suppliers
Held in the Seminar Theatre in Hall 3

15:35 - 15:50

Keynote presentation
(Hall 1)

15:50 - 16:30

Panel: Co-operative, mutuals. and community banks in the 21st century between regulation and mission
(Hall 1)

16:30 - 16:35

Closing comments
Julie-Ann Haines, Building Societies Association Chair 2025 - 2027 & Chief Executive, Principality Building Society (Hall 1)

19:00 - 20:00

Conference drinks reception
Sponsored by The Evolution Group
(The Library of Birmingham, pre-purchased tickets only)

20:00 - 00:00

Conference dinner
Sponsored by The Evolution Group
(The Library of Birmingham, pre-purchased tickets only)

FRIDAY 09 MAY 2025


08:30 - 12:30

EACB General Assembly (invitation only)
Details to be confirmed

*The BSA reserves the right to make alterations in the format, agenda or programme of the conference.