Location: Exchange Room 11
Strong and simple risk management: The return of the Isle of Dogs Building Society
The Return of the Isle of Dogs Building Society. As part of the implementation of Basel II before the global financial crisis, the BSA and FSA ran a workshop that discussed a template ICAAP that was around 12 pages long. ICAAPs these days often run to hundreds of pages and in addition firms have to produce an ILAAP, Recovery Plan…
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The future of savings
In some ways savings accounts are the same as they’ve always been: a place where members can store their money and let it grow. But how might technology offer new ways to serve savers? How can we reach new savers and interact with them in innovative ways as they go about their lives? Can we use savings to help build…
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Decarbonising housing: taking stock of the green home retrofits
The panel will discuss progress that has been made in tackling the challenges of upgrading the UK’s housing stock, including the development of an end-to-end customer journey. They will also discuss challenges that still remain and the role that building societies can play in supporting their member on that journey.